Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back in the saddle again

Wow -- Home feels good! That trip was miserable and if there is any justice in the world, it will be the last time I'm miserable on a family vacation.
No rest for the weary though -- Holy Cow!! We got home late Sunday and hit the ground running Monday morning. The construction in the house is, of course, five days behind. But I had to get some stuff out of what is now the garage so the dry wall people can turn it into the new den.
I also caught up on my chores. My young chickens are almost full grown. We should start seeing eggs from them in the next month or so. Something apparently tried to take out Taloose the Guard Goose as his wing feather look like they've been scraped off.
Today got off to a rocky start as well. Clem got a call at 4 a.m. telling him there was a fire on the dairy. A huge straw and feed pile was on fire and jeopardizing corrals and employee housing. He finally came home about 7 tonight smelling of smoke and purely exhausted.
The kids and I went to Twin about 10 and also got home around 7. We got ALL of the back-to-school shopping done, almost all of the shopping done for the remodel (like door knobs and drawer pulls) and made a pass through Costco. Keep in mind I try a 4-door pickup. I could not have put one more thing in that vehicle. Thankfully, my two little ones went home with my sister. If they hadn't, I would have had to strap stuff to the top!
Katy and I are watching How to Look Good Naked on Lifetime Network. http://www.mylifetime.com/on-tv/shows/how-look-good-naked. This is one of my most favorite shows. Host Carson Kressley teaches women how to dress and carry themselves in such a way that they forget all their body hatred and be who they are. He talks about perception -- how so often we think we're so much bigger than we are. Attitude is everything. I wish sometimes, he'd deal with even heavier women, like me, but the show has really cemented some things I'd already started doing. I've been showing off my chest more -- even bought good bras! I dress the way I feel, not the way I think I should dress. It's rather difficult sometimes I still hear ED (see posts from 2006 and 07 about ED and Vicki) telling me that I shouldn't wear anything low cut because "fat isn't sexy". Then there's things like my sister-in-law that keeps telling me I wear ugly shoes. I caught myself scrutinizing the shoes I took with me on vacation because I knew she'd be there and wanted to make sure she didn't say anything about my shoes.
Earlier this summer, my friend and I made a pledge to swim each morning. I don't really like to swim, but I've been having so many problems with my feet and knees, it's about my only option. My friend, the night before our first "date", called to say she wouldn't go because she didn't want to be seen in hear swim suit -- especially by the zero-body-fat-hard-body pool manager.
I was crushed. Not just for myself, but because she's still trapped by that body shame weirdness.
My kids and husband and I have been going every night when he gets off work. It's not the aerobic workout I had planned, but it's a nice time with my kids -- and WAYYY better than sitting in front of the TV for three hours before I go to bed.
The rest of the week will be hectic -- I have a doctor's appointment in the morning to check on several factors as I seem to falling apart. Mammogram on Thursday. In the meantime, the contractors are coming to finish texturing the new part of the house and the tile guy is coming to do the back splash in the kitchen. Painting gets rolling on Friday and Saturday and carpet and flooring next week. That and my babies start school Aug. 21. All three in school all day. (More on that in another post)
As if all that weren't enough, the apricots are on in a big way and a tree blew into my brand new chicken coop, so I'll have to figure how to deal with all of that hassle. Arggh...
Love to you all -


Anonymous said...

Hi Good Karma, Hang in there. Cyndi

Anonymous said...

So. Um. Remember how I said I was getting a swimsuit? It turned out to be three bikinis. And I've had nothing but awesome support from the people around me about it. As one person said, "The only people who will be judging you are the teenaged girls. And they're being just as hard on themselves, so their opinions don't count." Love the water, love your kids, love the body you're in that still functions and protects you and that created, carried and nurtured those kids while it was at it.

BTW - Cleavage is sexy. Rock that cleavage, girl.